Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm baaackkkkkkk!!!!!! Let the fun continue....

What is up everyone? It has been a long time and things have definitely changed on my end. Since my last post I have changed restaurant companies once again. New opportunities and more challenges. Since being with the new company, i have been bounced around to 4 separate restaurants and have seen everything from one extreme to the next. I have worked for an alcoholic, someone who would make Hitler cry, and people who just have no business being in the business. All in all though, it is still excitement everyday that I go to work.

Luckily, with new beginnings comes new stories...

Guest orders a bottled beer, server asks did you want that in the tall glass or short? Guest replies, no but you can bring a glass on the side for me. So she goes to the bar and asks if she should put ice in the glass for the guest?

Guy comes into the restaurant, hey I'm from "blank" restaurant and was wondering if we could borrow your old bay grinder? Sorry but you are getting pranked by your boss I tell him. He replies, no, he wouldn't do that to me. Oh, well in that case, I lent it to Mr. Kim at the Chinese restaurant, just go over there and ask him to get it for you.

Why is there a beer in the cooler? I was letting it get cold so I could drink it on the way home. I wasn't going to drink it here.

What day is the $2.00 Tuesday specials?

Guests walk in and sit down. After ordering the son starts to feel sick, so they think about cancelling the order. They decide to stay and eat. After eating they ask to see the manager. Walk over to the table and ask what's wrong? My son got sick after he ate the chicken fingers...Sir, didn't you just think about cancelling your order because he was feeling ill before he ate. Well yeah, but he started feeling better until he ate...Really? Why didn't you say that at first.....

Employee asks another employee:Can you get pregnant while you are on your period?

Hopefully this will be able to continue again since I have left the other company. It was too risky for me to keep it up due to new rules and policies they issued. But, I like being able to share the stories and comments I hear daily with everyone because face it, this shit is funny!!!!!

Here's to more posts to come and more funny days.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the last few months

The last few months at work have been different. We have had the economy hit us hard and we have dropped sales significantly. We are losing money because less guests come in and spend less money but we are still paying people good money to work and spending allot to get the place looking good. This brings me to my point. In the bad economic times, I know people don't have allot of money to spend, but find other ways to afford your meal than to complain about it.

If a manager walks by your table and asks how everything is going and you say fine, don't tell the server when the bill comes out that the food was bad. We just spoke to you a few minutes ago and you said it was fine. And don't give the excuse, I didn't know you were a manager. Do you really think some random person is going to talk to your table and every table around you asking how their meals are?

Why am I being charged for substituting and item? Well, the item you wanted substituted costs more than the item you didn't want mam. That's not substituting I wanted you to do, I wanted you to replace the item with a different item. Mam, what is the difference? You would replace it for free but charge for substituting it according to the definition of the two words. Mam, here is a dollar out of my pocket to cover the up charge for you. REALLY!!

Server calls in and tells another person to let the manager know that she was going to be late. The manager asks her why, she says that she is just going to be late. She arrives at work and the manager says again, why were you late, She replies why do you need to know? I'm sorry, I'm just trying to run a business that's my reason, whats yours?

"I'm not a hoe, I just do hoeish things"

What day of the week is the Saturday meeting held on?

How is it that the general manager studders worse than a 15 year old boy on prom night getting ready to lose his virginity to a 17 year old girl?

Scenario: Two employees work together for years. The one female is married and has been for years, the other male is single. They develop a relationship that goes to the next level and they sleep together. She realizes it was wrong and asks him to start going to church with her. A few months go by and they have developed just a working relationship only. The male starts to flirt with another female employee. This upsets the one and she starts to say that he is harassing her. It ends up getting too much, so it is documented that she says he is harassing her. It goes to the regional who starts an investigation on the situation. During this he finds out from numerous people, that she is the one abusing him both physically and verbally. She ends up losing her job. She then has him arrested for sexual harassment. In the end, he keeps his job, gets the case dismissed, and is still flirting with the other employee. She is unemployed, and going through a rough spot in her marriage. What is the lesson?

"You better watch out, he will Chris Brown your ass if you keep it up"

Until next time....................

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's been a while.....

Yes, I know... It has been quite some time since I have posted anything. It has just been a busy past couple of months. Spending alot of quality time with the family and trying to better myself both personally and professionally. Still, don't think that I forgot about the blog though. I have still been taking notes on day to day things and still makes me wonder....WTF!!!!

How do you get fired from your job as a restaurant manager? Let's see, when you work around food all day long there is always something for you to eat if you get hungry right? So why would you be stupid enough to send someone to a sub shop to get you food in the middle of volume? You are asking for trouble. Then when you get caught doing it, don't lie. Who is going to believe you when you say, I took some medicine that I needed to eat with and I can't eat the food. We all know you are lying, because we have the ticket from where you ordered food and ate it the day before. You deserve to get in trouble for that one. IDIOT!!

How do you come into a restaurant, say that you are allergic to gluten( a wheat byproduct) then get made with the server and want to speak to a manager because they didn't bring you any bread?

Just the other day, a girl gets out of her car and starts to walk to the front door. She is walking like she is the shit. Nice curvy body, walks like she is on a runway, smiles at you and you just can't believe it. Then you look closer, and she is pigeon toed, and you thought she had a sexy walk.

If you are bald, make sure you either wear a hat or put on sunscreen. It isn't attractive to have a sunburned head that starts to peel.

Best story, Guy goes to the bathroom and doesn't wash his hands when he leaves. Goes back to the bar and starts to eat his food. Asks to see me. Get there, and he wants to shake my hand. Then wants to tell me how he works in the restaurant industry and is unhappy with the food. Pissed that it costs $20 and tastes awful. I apologize to him and offer to get something else. Refuses and tries to lecture me on being a restaurant professional. You are the one who didn't wash their hands after peeing, then want to fuss about paying 20 bucks when in reality, it is only $10. Before you tell me how to do my job, get some common sense and learn proper etiquette.

Gotta save some for more posts to come.....I love my job!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

future articles

So, I originally started this blog with the intentions of writing something everyday. Evidently, my plans were a little bit much. I have been able to spend allot more time with my family as of late and with still working, my time is important to me. So, I have decided that this is going to be a weekly blog instead. That way I can take all the information I gather throughout the week and put it all in one post instead of 7 short ones. This will also give me more time.

Lately, it has just been a slow time. Business is down everywhere and the guests are just becoming more difficult to deal with. Trust me, we know that money is tight, we aren't rich either, but you don't have to be an asshole about it. The other day a guest ordered chicken wings and when they came out he ate 2 wings and said "this isn't what I was expecting." What exactly were you expecting when you order chicken wings? It's chicken with hot sauce!

If you order something wrong, why is it my responsibility to pay for it? You are the one that ordered it, you should have to pay for it.

Tip: If you go to a restaurant and are worried that the silverware is dirty, don't get a glass of hot water and dip your fork in it. Normal hot water out of a tap is around 120 degrees average. Bacteria grows rapidly between the temp of 40-150. You have to have water of 150 degrees in order to kill the bacteria. So if you don't trust the silverware, ask for plastic.

gotta run.....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

More to come...been a busy week

Monday, April 27, 2009


Why is it that allot of the guests that come to a restaurant are assholes? Did the restaurant industry just piss you off that bad? If that is the case, stay home. We really don't feel like dealing with you. For instance, just today I had a lady that was just plain rude. She was one of the ones who thinks her shit don't stink. She has probably been given everything in life with no questions asked. She wanted to accuse us of serving bad food. When the server brought it back to the kitchen, she tasted it, I smelled it and another kitchen helper smelled it too. Nothing seemed to be wrong with this plate. When I go to the table to talk to her, she just doesn't want to listen to me. I apologized for the plate, and I told her that we would never serve bad food and that maybe it just didn't fit what she wanted. She tried to tell me that for the money she was paying she expected the food to be great. Juicy, fresh and hot. I do understand that times are tough and when people go out to eat they do want to get their monies worth, but the plate cost $7.50. You can't go to a fast food joint and get a value meal for less than that now and days, and we actually served her instead of putting it in a paper bag. To end the situation though, I asked if she wanted something else and she declined so I took the meal off of her bill. She then wanted to argue with another manager that we didn't compensate her for it. She was being overcharge. Mam, what are you paying for? Your drink?

Once again, it is when we have ignorant customers like this causes us to think a little bit more when we go to a table who has a complaint. We understand that people make mistakes. Sometimes a guest will order the wrong thing. Do we fuss with them? No, we take that meal away and prepare what they wanted for no additional charge. But, when we as a restaurant make a mistake, Oh My God. You would think we were Hitler or something. It is because we are racist, sexist, age discrimination, or any other politically correct term there is out there. What ever happened to the days where it was a simple mistake and we were given the chance to correct it ourselves and do what we needed to do instead of having to pay for your meal, your guests meal, and your brothers girlfriends sister's friends meal also because you could not eat your meal at the exact time as them. It takes five minutes to correct probably.

That's it for tonite.....thanks for listening

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

more funny stories

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