So, I was getting tired of sitting around telling stories of working in restaurants to fellow employees, friends, family, and other restaurant employees. I was talking it over with my wife, and we were thinking of possibly trying to write a book about all the day to day things that happen in a restaurant, but face it, i can't read an entire book, why would I write one. This brings me to this. I have decided to do a blog so I can get out all my frustrations, funny stories or just things that people might want to know about a restaurant. I want to tell people that have not worked in a restaurant in their lifetime what we go through daily and to speak up for the ones who work daily but can't say anything in fears of repercussions.
We have all seen the movie Waiting... or at least know someone who has. Well I am here to tell you that it is the closest thing to life of a restaurant person that I have seen portrayed on tv. Still, not all of it is true. Really, the 5 second rule of food on the floor? The health department would shut restaurants down for that. Do employees have certain games that they play? Of course they do, maybe not showing each others privates but definately the hazing of new hires. Are restaurant managers clueless and incapable of being intelligent? Unfortuneatly, in every restaurant I have worked in there has always been one idiot. I guess we need it to make the other ones look better. Kind of like survival of the fittest. Which brings me to the first topic. Managers who shouldn't be a manager coming tomorrow.
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